The Best Time to Schedule Newborn Portraits: Pittsburgh Newborn Photography Tips

The Best Time for Baby Portraits: Pittsburgh Newborn Photography Tips With Jessi Adams Photography

If you're a new parent or soon-to-be parent in Pittsburgh, PA, you might be wondering when is the ideal time to schedule those precious professional baby portraits. As a seasoned Pittsburgh newborn photographer, I'm often asked this question by families eager to capture those fleeting early moments. Let's delve into this topic to help you plan the perfect session for your little one.

The Magic Window: 5 to 14 Days

The sweet spot for newborn photography is typically within the first 5 to 14 days after birth. During this brief window, babies are usually sleepier, more flexible, and easier to pose, allowing for those adorable curled-up shots that are iconic in newborn photography. Babies at this age are also less likely to be disturbed by colic or baby acne, which can start to appear later.

Why Early Days Matter

1. Sleepiness: Newborns at this stage tend to spend most of their time sleeping, which makes them more cooperative during the session. We can gently pose them without much disturbance.

2. Flexibility: Babies are still in their curled-up fetal position during these early days, making it easier to capture those adorable, womb-like poses.

3. Less Sensitivity: Baby skin can become more sensitive as they grow, making it more challenging to work with them for extended periods.

Flexibility in Timing

While the first two weeks are optimal, I understand that every baby is unique, and circumstances vary. If for any reason you can't schedule your session during this time, don't worry! We can still capture beautiful photographs of your newborn at any stage. Just keep in mind that older babies may be more alert and less likely to stay in certain poses.

Planning Ahead

To make the most of your newborn session, it's best to schedule in advance, ideally during your pregnancy. This ensures that we can reserve a spot within that ideal timeframe and allows us to plan for a comfortable and enjoyable session for both you and your baby.

Let's Capture the Magic!

As a Pittsburgh-based newborn photographer specializing in family portraits, I'm passionate about creating timeless images that you'll cherish for years to come. Whether you're looking for classic newborn poses, lifestyle shots, or sibling portraits, I'm here to help you celebrate this special moment in your family's journey.

If you're ready to schedule your newborn session or have any questions about the process, feel free to reach out.

Contact me today to reserve your session and let's capture the magic of your newborn's first days!